Wednesday 12th Update

 Someone asked if we were able to see him when he was outside in the wheelchair.  The answer is I WISH!! We were given no notice and he said it seemed like an area only for patients and hospital staff. We are hoping once he is moved to Inpatient Rehab they will have a better schedule so we may be able to have a CNA bring him out so we can see him in person.  

He has mentioned that staying at the hospital alone is harder on us than on him.  He says since this is his first surgery it...he doesn't know any different. We have been so impressed with how he interacts with the doctors and nurses.  He asks good questions and expresses gratitude.

Yesterday afternoon we talked on the phone with him for over 4 hours. It was great. I think we talked more with him in that afternoon than in the past 6 weeks. 

His foot is ticklish....which means more feeling has been restored. Today was also the first day he has had any feeling in his right knee. 

This morning during PT he had more soreness making it harder.  He was able to stand for a minute by himself (using the walker) before getting into the wheelchair.  He went to the Rehab gym and was able to walk (still more of a shuffle + drag motion) using the parallel bars before heading back to his room in the wheelchair. He went to the bathroom and then got back in bed.

Today they had to remove the bandages  and the wound vac.  He said it was horribly painful.  He said he screamed loud enough for the whole floor to hear him.  It is the worse pain he has felt since being worked on pre-surgery. It moved him to tears. The nurses had to put him back on Dilaudid to help with the pain. 

At home, we will be installing grab bars in the shower and getting an elevated toilet seat in preparation to Brigham coming home.  We still don't know when this will happen but we want to be prepared. 

This shout out is from his youngest sister Nissa. 


  1. Don’t just do a toilet seat do a tall toilet. You will al love it and it’s more comfortable.


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