Up + Walking 8/12

 When I say Up + Walking. It means he is using the walker to move.  He is not putting weight on his leg (too soon for that + too painful) but he is controlling the movement. This is where he begins + we can not wait to keep watching his progress. 

Yesterday was really hard for Brigham because of the pain. But he is a warrior and he still walked during his afternoon PT. He was able to get video.  I had to cut it into 2 clips.

Brig getting out of bed + walking. Clip #1

Brig walking + getting back in his bed. Clip #2


  1. Awesome Brigham! Soon you will be able to bend the knee and put pressure on the right leg! You are doing great! Looking forward to having you come home. G-Pa Blaine

  2. That is awesome!!!! You can see in the first clip where you continue to push yourself! Keep it up ♥️

  3. This is so awesome. He is doing so good. All those years playing soccer has helped.


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