He is home!

 What a whirlwind 32 hours. 

On Thursday morning we called Brigham's nurse to tell her that he decided to come home and do therapy instead of staying for inpatient rehab. She said great and he possibly could come home in the afternoon. 

What?  We were not ready for him at home quite yet. We still needed a few items to help him around the house plus we were dealing with insurances. We finally got WFC connected with McKay Dee so things started moving through the system including approvals. 

If you remember he had to have 3 things to come home: walker, wheelchair, + wound vac.  The walker we had, the wheelchair was approved, the wound vac was approved but there was a delay.  They did not have any at the hospital, but were expecting a shipment Thursday PM or Friday AM.

We decided to pick him up Friday afternoon and sent word to family + neighbors to line the streets to welcome Brigham home.  We wanted this to be a secret so we couldn't post it here or on Social Media. 


This morning was busy here and at the hospital. At 1:30pm Brigham had his wound vac changed to his personal one -it was still terribly painful but possibly a tiny bit better than the last time. We picked him up at 3:15; loading him in the car was difficult + so painful for him. Next we stopped by Intermountain Home Health to pick up his wheelchair.  After dealing with insurance issues they realized they did not have a wheelchair with an leg extender. Brigham must have the leg extender so they found one in Bountiful which closed at 5:30 and is not open on the weekends. Brig was in so much pain we knew he just needed to get him home.  Thank the heavens that my brother and his wife were willing to miss Brig coming home and head to Bountiful to pick it up. Bless them.  

Brig was surprised at the sight of people welcoming him home.  At first he was like...what did you do? He wasn't prepared but he was thankful that we had organized it. I was moved to tears as we passed wonderful people cheering him on and loved the garage door that was covered in hearts by our ward family. 

I wish I could have hugged every person who was here today.  Just know we love you + we appreciate your effort + support.  Brigham agrees to doing a drive-by while he sits out front...date to be determined....hopefully in the next couple of weeks when he is up to it.

He looks so good. It was so great to touch him and see him chat with family + friends.  It is hard to believe that he barely clung to life only a week ago.  He has made great strides.  At home he needs help with meds, adjusting of his right leg + ankle frequently, emptying his urinal, refilling his water,  stretching is leg by moving his foot slowly from pointing to flexing and also bending his knee. 

It will be a family effort of rearranging schedules + being willing to help where needed. We know the Lord will be near and be giving us strength to move through recovery. We know that God loves his children. He loves us. He loves Brigham.  He is mindful + aware of our lives + he will not leave us alone even in our darkest hour. 

My heart is full of gratitude for the miracles I have witnessed.  I will be changed forever. I never want to forget these feelings + my outlook on life. The desire to be in the present and to enjoy the moments + time we have together. To always appreciate your friends + loved ones. 

I need to finish this post. It's late and I will be up through out the night managing the meds + adjusting the leg.  It's almost like a newborn schedule. I'm grateful to have this time to serve him. 

Yep...that is still dried blood on his left knee.

These boys missed each other. Brig says Blitz is his emotional support dog now.


  1. So many miracles and blessings. I’m so happy Brigham is home and you can all be together. We are sending you lots of positive healing thoughts.

  2. We are so happy he's home! Sad we missed his home coming.

  3. Yes! We are SO happy you are home!! We are so unhappy that we missed you. Please know we were cheering you on in spirit 😊 We love you bud and will see you soon!

  4. Rats, hit the send too soon! Love ya! Jeff and Amy♥️

  5. YAY, he's HOME!! I'm so happy for you Kristen, that you can hug and take care of your son. We're sorry we just barely missed the homecoming, we were on our way home from camping. Wish I'd have known and we would have picked up the wheelchair! :/


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