FB posts from Jeremy and I after Day One

 My FB post before bed on 8/7/2020


Before I lay my head down to rest (hoping sleep will come) I have tears of gratitude.
Gratitude that we witnessed miracles today. Gratitude that Brigham is alive. Gratitude for the many, many first responders (including the Francis family), doctors, surgeons and nurses. Gratitude for the 1,000's of you praying for Brigham and us. Gratitude that Brig was able to facetime us tonight after they took the intubation tube out. Gratitude that our prayers were answered.
No doubt he has a long road ahead. He is not out of the woods, so keep the prayers coming. They saved his life and leg. He is stable. He is in the ICU. We are unable to visit him because of Covid. I will try and start a blog or fb page where you can go for details during his recovery.
We are blessed to have such beautiful people in our lives. You are giving us strength we so desperately need. Love you more than I can express.
If you sent us a text just know it was read and appreciated. I just don't have the energy to respond right now. I promise to ask for help when I figure out what we need.

Jeremy's FB post when we couldn't sleep around 4am 8/8/2020.

Dear friends, family and loved ones,
As I lay here this morning I would like to echo the recent post from my wife. I can't help but be overcome with feelings of love and gratitude to thousands of amazing people. Starting with the Francis family who I love and will forever be grateful to ( they literally saved Brighams life), to the first responders, doctors, nurses, and many many many others. Thank you to the Army of thousands of you who immediately prayed for Brigham. He says THANK YOU! We love you all. Brigham is not out of the woods yet and has a long road ahead to recovery - but he is alive! My heart goes out to everyone who has had a loved one in the hospital during these times of covid restrictions. It is gut wrenching to not be able to be there with Brigham.
Once again - thank you to soooooo many people. We LOVE you all!

Our most recent family picture from the 4th of July.
We all appreciate your love, thoughts and prayers.


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