Doctor Update - Monday Morning 8/10/2020

Brigham slept good last night. He says he feels stiff when he wakes up and that his back wants him to get out of bed.

He has moved to only oral pain meds. Another good step.

The doctors at McKay Dee talked to the doctors at U of U Hospital regarding his nerves and the injury itself.  They said yes they could treat his injury and say that it can be an outpatient surgery.  We were instructed to call and make an appointment for about 10 days- 2 weeks from now for him to get testing done on the nerves.

So, this means he will not be moving to U of U Hospital after all.  His next steps will be closing the fasciotomy and continuing inpatient rehab to increase his movement before being discharged. 

The U of U doctors do not think he cut his main nerve and that they will be repairing nerves that branch off of the main nerve.  This is another miracle!  There has been so many miracles and tender mercies over the past few days for Brigham and for so many others effected by this event. 

Since they told us to make an appointment at the U for 2 weeks from now we are reading between the lines that they are expecting him to be released from Mckay Dee before then.  

His blood has stabilized. They are happy with his progress in that area from yesterday to today.


We told Brigham we are so proud of his progress. His reply brought me to tears, "I'm only where I'm at because of all the prayers."  He is feeling the strength of your prayers. He is seeing the Lord's hand in his life in a very real way. 


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