Protein + Blood + DNA


A few days ago Brigham and I looked up when he could donate at Biolife again after a transfusion. Just in case you want to know it is 1 year.  Brig was bummed, he has been donating plasma for extra cash since May.  I tell him that maybe the plasma they gave him at the hospital was actually his own. This got us wondering about transfusions and DNA. Years ago I remember watching a CSI where they had blood evidence at the scene and when they traced it back to a guy he had an alibi.  They realized he was a blood donor and the actual murderer must have received his blood which is why his DNA was at the scene. 

We wanted to know if this could actually happen. 

What we found online from Scientific American:  When donor blood is mixed into the body with a transfusion, that person's DNA will be present in your body for some days. Nothing to alter genetic tests significantly. However studies shoe that with highly sensitive equipment can pick up donor DNA from blood transfusions up to a week and with large transfusions donor white blood cells were present for up to a year + a half afterward. Even in the latter cases, the recipient's DNA was clearly dominant over the donor DNA. 

Brigham's transfusion I assume was considered "large" since all of his blood was initially replaced with donor's blood.  We know that currently his body is increasing it's own blood which is mixing with the amazing O+ blood donors. 

This is a picture of Brigham at the scene of the accident. Right about the time I was talking + walking with him to the ambulance. I am amazed at the lack of blood on him in this picture. 


Brigham's doctors and nurses recommend a high protein diet for him.  Protein is what the body needs to heal.  So he has been chugging these babies since the hospital.  

This 20 year old is rockin' the older vibe right now.....Ensure, walker, wheelchair, stability bars in the shower and a shower seat.  We told him it's perfect, just preparing us for our aging years. We have learned so many things in the past week.  I love that their is a system for people to be independent after accidents, injuries or just growing older.  We visited the "Road of Independence" in Ogden.  They have items you can borrow for 90 days. We borrowed rails that attach to the toilet for Brig to get back to standing position. It made me teary eyed to think about the hope a place like this brings to people. 


  1. So fascinating about the DNA in blood transfusions. I had never thought of that!


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