Talking to Brigham

 Note: The only 2 things that Brigham has from arriving at the hospital is a car key and his phone. Everything else was thrown out.

Call #1 | 10pm Friday 8/7/2020

We were surprised to get our first call (actually a facetime) with Brigham at 10pm on Friday (8/7/2020). they took out his breathing tube him earlier than anyone expected.  He told us that he was tired and so thirsty.  They weren't letting him drink until 11pm.  He wasn't dehydrated because they had been pumping him full of fluids during surgery. He told us that he had been thirsty since he was in the Francis' backyard. The paramedics knew he needed surgery so he couldn't have anything to eat or drink. We told him about the 1,000's who were praying for him. He said to tell everyone thank you. It was good to see his face and talk for a short moment. 

Call #2 | 7:54am Saturday 8/8/2020

Today I was starting this blog when he called me.  Can I tell you how great it was?  He sounded like normal Brigham. We talked about the things he needed us to drop off (mostly his phone charger) and the posts, texts and messages he had seen. The vascular surgeon had just been in to talk to him and it was the first Brigham was hearing about the graft and that he still has open wounds on both sides of his calves (fasciotomy). He didn't want to talk about it because it makes him sick. 

We feel ya bud. We have been nauseous since the scene.

He told me he was thankful to be alive. He was thankful he had his leg. He agreed that another priesthood blessing would be appreciated. Through Jeremy's cousin (who works at Mckay Dee) we were able to get 2 nurses in their this morning to give him a blessing. Brigham said it was so good. 

He told me he was nervous to stand on his leg today.  (I will talk more about this in the update post.) He really wished we could be with him especially for that.

Brig said it was so hard to sleep with the pain and every little noise waking him up.  He asked for me to bring him ear plugs. We had to cut our talk short because another doctor wanted to talk to him. 

Here's a pic of Brigham serving the people of Mexico. Something he loves.

He's the one in the white hat backwards.


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