Day 2 - 8/8/2020

 DAY 2  -  8/8/2020 Update

He is in good spirits. He is thankful to be alive. He is thankful to have his leg.  

The nurse said we raised a polite young man and that he is doing so much better today! YAY! Happy dance.

He has feeling in his toes + he can move his foot. The nurses said he did not want to do this but they made him.

His leg really hurts. Besides the original injury. He has a drain and 2 open wounds on his calf (fasciotomy).  They are hoping for the swelling to go down so they can stitch it back up. If not he may have to do wound care or get skin grafts.

They had him moving his leg today and repositioned his leg in the bed. Originally he was spread eagle and now its more straight out from his body.

His blood pressure is much better today. (Yesterday it had dipped to 80, which wasn't all bad because then he wasn't losing as much blood.) 

He is anemic which is to be expected. His blood units/level/amount (??? not sure what is the correct form of measurement here, possibly hemoglobin levels) is 7.2 and for a male his size it is usually 15.  They will give him more blood if he is light headed and other symptoms I honestly can't remember.  They say that usually people his age can increase their blood on their own pretty well.  So that is what they are hoping for.

They moved him out of ICU to the Surgical floor.

Everything the doctor told us would happen over the next few days....he is achieving much faster than expected.  What a blessing that he is strong and his body is working hard to heal. Bodies are amazing.

Jeremy and I went to the hospital and dropped off a bag of supplies. Phone charger, glasses, contact solution, chapstick....etc.  We tried to get them to let me in.  I said I would do whatever it takes.  I could get a Covid test and then I could stay at the hospital until he is released.  I was willing to do whatever but they said no. It is so hard.

We just got off the phone with him and he is exhausted. He does not like talking about his wound at all. He says he keeps dreaming (more of a nightmare) about cutting wood, he says he has PTSD which I completely believe.


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