Sunday + Brigham Standing

As a family we dropped off balloons, posters, his favorite raspberry roll and cards to Brigham at the hospital.  He loved them + definitely brightened up his room. On the way to the hospital we heard the the song "All I Need is a Miracle" by Mike + the Mechanics.  That was our theme song on Friday-for sure.

Then we had a long video call which was awesome!  His coloring has improved and we talked about so many things. Here are a few things he told us.

Last night when his nurse added another unit of blood she told him that she was only giving him famous people's blood. Brigham asked if she could get some of Lionel Messi's blood. When she came in with his last unit of blood she said... she was sorry they were out of Messi's blood but she was able to get Rinaldo's instead. Brigham said even better.  Love that she made him smile + lighten the mood.

He remembers vaguely some nurses commenting when he arrived at the ER, " Oh, he's a cute one."  

This morning the bed weighed him in 20lbs heavier than he usually is. He said he totally believes it because his calf feels like a bowling ball.

He has liked all of his nurses and doctors.  He said they are really nice + helpful.

He had PT twice today.  We were able to listen over video chat during his afternoon session.  He stood at both sessions. It was non weight bearing. Yay!  This was a big hurdle.  I think physically, emotionally and mentally. He was able to shuffle his leg in the morning and this afternoon he moved side to side but still holding himself mostly up with his arms. They also work on other exercises in his bed. 



  1. You can rock this, Brigham. You have the warrior spirit. Can’t wait to see you running around the block. Fords😊

  2. Wow, this is so awesome! I love reading about his journey! He is in our thoughts and prayers continually! We loved the video too!
    Jen Taylor

  3. You’re amazing Brigham!!! We know you can overcome this!!!

    Although this might make the yellow stone hike look easy!!


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