God is in the details #2

 This may be messy but I need it out of my head and heart before I forget.

The past few days we have received several special messages from people who felt prompted to share an experience, a song, a scripture story or thoughts surrounding Brigham's accident.  I am astounded how this has effected people.  I am blown away at how many of us have had the same thoughts + promptings.  God is clearly in the details.

People who never pray have prayed for Brigham. 

People who were on the scene felt God's power + the Holy Ghost. Leading them to ask questions about God and the gospel.

People have seen + felt God's love like they never have before. 

People have witnessed miracle after miracle leaving no room for doubt of God's love. 


The vascular surgeon was actually in the hospital that day..

The neighbors brother who was one of his anesthesiologists is a comforting thought.

The family + friends who work at McKay Dee + the U of U who were willing to help with anything.

The people who have and continue to rally behind our girls. 


On Friday while we sat outside the hospital for hours waiting for updates from the OR a nurse came to wheel out a patient to a waiting car.  On her way back in , she stopped to talk to us.  She knew exactly who we were.  The parents of the 20 year old male from room 2.  She was the nurse who sat on top of him with her hands pushing on his artery as they wheeled him into the sterile environment of the OR.  She was not able to move until all doctors + nurses were ready to work. She told us that she will remember our son for a long time. How do you show enough gratitude to this nurse? How do we show enough gratitude to all that had part in saving his life + leg? How do we show enough gratitude to my Heavenly Father + Jesus Christ? 


Friday was my Grandpa Stoddard's birthday. He passed away a few years ago and my Grandma lives with my parents.  During the day she has a digital picture frame that automatically and randomly goes through the pictures. Well, on the Friday her wedding picture popped up so many times like someone was trying to tell my Grandma something. We believe that it was my Grandpa being one of Brigham's angels from heaven.  We believe he has been surrounded since it happened and continues to have them near. 


I tear up every time someone shares where they were when they heard and what they did. I see the young family from down the street who all knelt together immediately upon hearing, or the friend at a soccer game who found a quiet place to kneel + pray, or the people who saw life flight and prayed for whoever needed it or the 100's of missionaries that were praying for him by name. I see the faith + love of everyone who didn't hesitate to pray (and to pray mightily all day) when my son needed it more than anything. How can we tell each one of you thank you? and will you really understand the depth of our gratitude? 

This is just what we are seeing or hearing and we know there is so much more. We will continue to share. 

This was taken June 2019 before a Humanitarian trip to Tijuana.

Father's Day Hike 2020


  1. ❤️❤️❤️ love you! Carrie

  2. These are all so touching to me! Thanks so much for sharing, Kristen! We too got on our knees immediately after we heard about the accident and prayed as a family! We continue to pray for Brigham! It is especially so touching to me when my 15 year old remembers to pray for Brigham when it’s his turn to pray. ❤️🙏


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