Tuesday 11th Update

First thing, we found out that Brigham is reading the blog and the comments.  So he may see what you write.  

Craig from the Trauma team is working on getting Brigham moved from the surgical floor to inpatient rehab (most likely will happen tomorrow).  They are also working with the insurance to get the following items for when he comes home and continues in home rehab: front wheel walker, wheelchair with an elevated leg and a wound vac. He shouldn't need anymore transfusions.  His hemoglobin levels are increasing at a good rate now. So I believe in simple terms- he is making his own blood. 

The doctor from the Vascular team (wish I had a name, this is where not being there with him is tricky) says the plan for now is to let the fasciotomy heal + close on its own- which may take a month or two. Or since he is young it may happen quicker.  Leg pulse continues to be good. He will need to be on a low dose of aspirin for at least a year to prevent clots.

As far as PT he will be doing it at the hospital and then continue at home.

This morning Brigham was able to stand on his own 4 times!!! This is amazing!  We are so proud of him.  The nurse helped guide his right leg as he moved it himself to the edge of the bed. So awesome.  Of course this wore Brig out and made him nauseous so he called us to distract him. So we had a good 1 hour talk and part of that was while he was talking to the Inpatient Rehab doctor. 

Yesterday we started rearranging rooms in the home so Brigham is upstairs and buying 2 new mattresses.  His current bedroom is in the basement and then you have to walk to the other side of the house.  We are purchasing him a wedge pillow to use in his bed so he can change positions. 

He is still suffering from headaches which is probably a combo of his concussion from 3 weeks ago, the pain meds, the antibiotics and the lack of food.  Eating has been a challenge for 2 reasons.  First, the sitting position to use silverware is difficult for him. Second reason is he is nauseous. 

We are working on getting him an appointment with Dr. Agarwal at the U, to get a better assessment on the nerves. Update: Since this post has taken me 3 hours to write....I was able to get an appointment next week with Dr. Agarwal. Once he has the assessment we will hopefully have a plan for his nerves.

As always we are full of gratitude. 

Mother's Day 2020


  1. Keep it up Brigham! We're all cheering for you ❤

  2. This is so great! We're so happy to read of all the progress 😀

  3. Brigham.. so happy you are doing so well. Keep that fighting spirit and work within your limits. Next time try another way to get time away from work🤣😅. Love ya Norma

  4. Woohoo! Yay for progress!! Keep it up Brigham... Ouzounian's are praying for you and cheering you on!!

  5. Thanks for keeping us up to date. So good to hear of all the progress he is making!

  6. You are so awesome I am so proud of all your hard work!! Keep it up love ya!!!


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