God is in the details

 God is in the details.

This journey is already hard. Even though we are thrilled that he is alive there is still much to worry about and to work through especially on his end. I really just want to take away his pain + suffering.

Prayers from an Army of People

The outpouring of prayers was incredible. Within an hour of Brig being life flighted our entire Stake boundaries were praying for Brigham.

Brigham has a few friends still serving LDS missions. 2 of them got permission to call us and through heartache and tears told us that there entire mission was praying for Brigham by name.

Another ward missionary and friend said his mission was praying for him too.

People all over the world are praying their hearts out.

Several people have put his name in the Temple. Calling around to find one open.

Many people have donated blood in his honor.

Brigham being alive is a miracle.

But that is not where this road ends.

He still needs (and so do we) lots of prayers.  

He has much to endure and I pray for guidance on how I can help him through the process.

It is heavy. I am taking it one hour at a time. 

We know that even though we cannot be there with Brigham, that Heavenly Father + Jesus Christ and so many loved ones on the other side are weeping with him.  They are giving him love and strength that he cannot see. We have faith and hope. We know we are children of God and he will provide.


  1. Thanks for the update! I can’t imagine how hard this is on the whole family! We will continue to pray for each of you!

  2. Our family has been praying for him and for your family! Love you guys!! ❤️
    The Sheriff family


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