Visit to the Plastic Surgeon - 2nd visit

We just got back from our 2nd visit to the plastic surgeon, Dr. Agarwal. It has been 2 weeks since his first visit.  

They read the surgery report hoping to learn more information on what they saw regarding the major nerve in his thigh. stated that there was a laceration on the nerve but no more information than that. So, it leaves them wondering how much was cut and if it pulled or stretched other nerves.

Good news: With the swelling down in his leg they were able to access his nerves. They were able to see how he can move his leg + use his quad muscles on his own.  They touched several different areas on his right leg finding where he can and cannot feel.  He has no feeling in his right inner thigh and just a small area on his knee.  They are taking the wait + see approach regarding any nerve repair surgery.  They are optimistic that they will not need to do anything.

The doctors are happy with the progression of healing on his fasciotomy and scheduled him for surgery on September 14th.  We will see them again next Tuesday 8th where they will take off the wound vac and see the fasciotomy's for themselves.  Note: Up to this point we have been giving them updated pictures so Brig didn't have to have an extra wound vac done.  This will help them access what they need to do in surgery. Depending on the size they will either stitch the fasciotomy's up or do a skin graft or a mix of both. 

If he has a skin graft, the skin will come from his thigh (we assume the left one) and it is an outpatient procedure. They will put back on the wound vac for about a week (with no changing during the week) to help the blood get to the grafting site and help it heal together better.

We are thankful for the good news. We are thankful for his progression + healing.  Brig continues to be positive and working on moving more. 

Ever since Brigham came home from the hospital I wanted a picture of our family. Well, the girls schedules have made that tricky but this past Sunday we did it! One happy family working through a life changing experience together. 


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