Vascular Doctor Visit + Ultrasound 9.28.2020

Today we had a follow up appointment with the Vascular doctors/surgeon.  First they did an ultrasound on his graft checking on the flow and how the graft is holding. 

Due to the numbness he only felt a small portion of the ultrasound gel or scope. The rhythmic sound of the blood pumping and the darkened room made both of us feel sleepy as the technician did his work. 

Next we had to wait 1 1/2 hours for the doctor appt.  So, we got lunch and parked under a shady tree while Brigham watched Arsenal play on his phone. 

Our appointment was with Jason the PA.  He is the one who saw Brig regularly while he was in the hospital. Unfortunately during the ultrasound they found a few clots in his femoral vein.  After Jason talked it over with Dr. Akhtar they put Brigham on blood thinner (Eliquis) for the next 3 months. His next follow up is after Christmas. 

Here is an updated scar picture of his upper right leg.  This was right after his morning shower that he took by himself and even stood up for part of it.  Wahoo!  Another milestone. 

Next doctor appointment is tomorrow morning with Dr. Hobson the plastic surgeon to look at the skin grafts.  Hope they are healing well. 


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