Moving around.....Shower + Soccer Games

 Today Brigham took a shower!  This is his first real shower since before the accident. We wrapped a garbage bag around his calf and duct taped it tight to his leg.  He sat in a shower chair in our master shower and was able to clean himself. He called to us once he was done and needed a towel and help getting out.  It was a success! I'm sure it felt good.

Brigham is getting more mobility and bored quicker.  You can find him taking walks to the kitchen or family room to get a different view.  It was so good for him to go to his cousin's soccer games on Tuesday + Wednesday. It was nice for all of us to do something normal.  He wheeled onto the field after the game and it was technically his first time back on the field after the accident.  He has goals of getting back on the soccer field and playing a game. You can be sure of one thing- we will be their to cheer him on.


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