Skin Graft follow up

 Tuesday we had a great follow up with Dr. Hobson at Huntsman.  He removed the wound vac and the skin grafts look good and healing well.

This is the first time since the accident that Brigham is wound vac free.  He says it is awesome to use the crutches without worrying about stepping on the hose and carrying around the wound vac bag on his shoulder or around his neck. 

We change the dressings on the skin grafts daily and he will have another follow up next Tuesday. His pain is pretty much gone.  He occasionally takes tylenol or ibuprofen but it is becoming less frequently.

After the appointment we went out to lunch at a local favorite Salvadorean pupusas + tacos (in Syracuse, Utah).  It is owned by Brig's best friend's parents. It was great to see friends to share some hugs + tears. 

If that wasn't enough for one day....Brig was feeling so great Jeremy drove him to watch his indoor soccer team play at 10:30pm. It was great to see his friends + watch them play. I'm so sad we forgot to take pictures today at the restaurant + or soccer game.  Next time for sure!


  1. Such incredible progress! Underwear, no pain, incredible visit from the fire department. 6 weeks! Probably feels like forever but seriously this is such a miracle at how well he is improving each day! Thanks for sharing the updates!


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