God is in the details #3

4 minutes.

4 minutes we have been told.

4 minutes was the time Brigham would have bled out + died. 

This is our miracle. 

The homeowner with no medical training applying pressure in the exact way needed to save him.  How?  If you ask her...she followed the instructions that came to her mind. She knows that Heavenly Father provided her with that knowledge, it was not information that she knew.

The paramedics + life flight who desperately + swiftly did all that they could, knowing that he was bleeding out. They couldn't believe he was still alive.

The ER doctor/nurses who saw him for but a short time did their best to stabilize + save every last drop off blood by sitting on him into the OR where the surgeons were ready. Unsure that he would make it, hoping he would.

The OR doctors/surgeons/nurses who quickly accessed their options of saving his life, saving his leg and how they were going to do it. Doctors with fingers plugging his artery + vein to keep the blood he had left (which wasn't much) in his body. They tell us he is so lucky. They consider him a miracle too. 

Somedays it feels like the accident was long ago and other times its so fresh in my mind that I can't fall asleep. Jeremy and I have random moments where we feel the overwhelming reality of the accident. The truth that we were so close to burying our son.

We all have tough times -they may be physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual but you can be certain, we all have them. I think it is important for us to recognize the tender mercies, miracles, and promptings in our life.  It is a way for us to remember the feelings we felt, the faith that we had, and the blessings we were given.

We witnessed so many miracles and I'm positive we are not aware of all them.   

Why did we receive a miracle when so many don't? 

Is their a bigger purpose of this experience? 

Is the purpose of this miracle for us to stand in faith + share the power of God giving us a miracle?

I believe that in heaven before we came to earth that we possibly knew about some of our trials.  Were we prepared for this moment spiritually? physically? Did we have specific experiences in life that prepared us to handle this moment?  These are some of the many questions of my heart + mind. 

My friend was prompted to bring me a sign with this scripture: "This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it" Psalm 118:24.  This scripture reminds me that Heavenly Father is aware of me and will be with me + my family every step of the way. Look for the good in each day + rejoice because you are a child of God and he loves you. 

We will always remember the miracles we witnessed that could only be by the hand of God. We will always remember the faith of those who prayed and the reality that prayers can be answered. 

-Kristen (Brigham's mom)


  1. I love these thoughts! Thanks for sharing! 4 minutes! Wow, what a miracle! I’m so glad he is alive and you can recognize all the incredible tender mercies!


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