Underwear is back!

As we start to do a little bit of real life among Brigham's healing I find less time to write on the blog.  

It's official after 6 weeks Brigham is wearing underwear again. haha!  That may be too many details but it is one more milestone.  If you have been following since the beginning, you may remember Brigham said he was never wearing underwear or pants again. That was the day after the accident.  He couldn't imagine putting anything on his thigh.  

So much healing has happened in the past 6 weeks it is amazing.

On Saturday we changed the bandage on his skin graft harvest site.  This is on his right thigh where they took the skin to be used for the skin grafts. 

The black color on the bandage is iodine mixed with blood, oozing and vaseline.

That is a mesh (that had the iodine + Vaseline in it)  that is stitched over the harvest site. You can see the 8 black stitches.  As he heals we will trim it off.  We are not quite sure how that works yet, we will ask at his follow up appointment tomorrow. 

We are thrilled with how it looks.  No swelling or redness.  It was painful to remove the bandage since the mesh was dried to the bandage and was pulling.  Brigham slowly removed it himself my holding the mesh down and lifting the bandage off.  It definitely took some grit.

Follow up Skin Graft appointment is tomorrow.  
We look forward to seeing the skin graft on the calf + how it is healing. 
We will update here in the next few days.


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