God is in the details #4 - Layton Fire Dept.

We knew there had to be more miracles involved and more people affected by Brigham's experience. We knew that many things had to go right in order to save him. It's like lining up swiss cheese slices and all the holes lining up...kind of like the perfect storm but in a good way.

We learned more about Brigham's experience today. Isn't it crazy how days start out normal and then take a sharp turn? Around 11am Brigham received a call from the Layton Fire Department.  They asked about his healing + stated how amazing it was that he is alive. They arranged a time to visit early afternoon. 

Fire Battalion Chief Jason Cook and Dr. Mark Oraskovich who is the referring physician who works with Layton City fire + EMS visited with us for 1/2 hour. Neither of them were at Brigham's scene. However, Chief Cook has read the report from EMS, AirMed, and even had seen pictures from surgery. He went on to share more situations where things lined up just perfectly to save him.

EMS - They knew it was serious from the beginning because of the information (artery was cut, need life flight) that Mom Francis was having her son relay to 911. When treating Brigham they used a medicine called Tranexamic (I think that's the correct name. I really should record these conversations). They have to pre-mix this and they did that before getting to the scene.  Layton EMS is one of the only ambulances that carry it.  It was just recently approved for all Utah ambulances to carry it.  Another miracle + tender mercy.  --When you bleed your body forms clots to stop the bleeding. Sometimes your body attacks + breaks down the clots because there is so many and that is abnormal.  This medicine helps stop the breaking down of the clots. 

AirMED/Life Flight-was dispatched from Davis Hospital before the ambulance arrived to the scene because of that informative 911 call. Usually AirMed has 1 nurse and 1 medic. However, that morning the medic had called in sick so on August 7th there was 2 nurses.  2 experienced veteran nurses Judy + Ron. Oh man, they had no idea what was coming.....their day took a sharp turn too. Ready for the next jaw dropping moment?  They recently (like 2 weeks earlier) started carrying trauma blood on Life Flight. Brigham was the 2nd patient they gave blood to in flight.  Wait, what?  Yes, another miracle.  Brigham was bleeding out everywhere. He would have not made it to the hospital without the 1 unit of blood + 1 unit of plasma they gave him.  Judy was the one to make the call to go to McKay Dee.  The pilot radioed to McKay Dee (who were not expecting him at this point) something similar to this....Patient is dying and needs to go straight to the OR. --I can only imagine the scrambling that took place in those minutes at the hospital preparing for him. 

BLOOD Count- Today we learned he received blood during flight add that to the 9 units of blood in surgery and the 3 units he was given on the night of the 8th.

God was in all the details of this day.

We look forward to meeting and thanking the EMS + AirMED personnel. They are part of our story. They are part of our life. They are part of our miracle. God bless everyone of them. 


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