
Impairment Rating

Before I get into Brigham's impairment rating, I wanted to document something new we learned in November. Brigham had been having some new pains near the scar where the cut happened, and we were concerned that maybe this was a sign of a new clot. It is so tricky, for 2 reasons. First, he cannot feel all of his leg and second, clot symptoms are the same as what he feels in that leg every day. We called Sheryl to get her opinion and she said to book an appointment immediately. Luckily, he did not have any new clots and she told Brigham eventually he will learn what symptom means trouble.  For example, one guy always feels like he has the flu when he has a leg clot, so weird. She said it will take time.  Because Brig's injury is so unique, she will always see him if he feels something is off.  What we learned that day was Brigham has a chronic clot in the vein just above his right knee with clot strands extending a few inches past the clot. If he is ever seen at a hospital or doct

Medical Records from 8/7/20

Back in May Brigham requested his medical records from McKay Dee Hospital.  Here are some of the notes from the injury date 8/7/2020 Dr. C:  I was present throughout the time the patient was in the ED which was 16 minutes and spent an additional 5 minutes taking the patient up to the OR so the total time spent with the patient was 21 minutes.   Assessment/Plan  1. Shock due to trauma  2. Acute blood loss anemia  3. Contact with powered saw as cause of accidental injury  4. Injury of right femoral artery 5. Leg injury- major ---------------------------------------- Dr. H: HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  This is a 21-year-old male presenting here to the emergency department via LifeFlight. We have received urgent calls from them prehospital to alert us of the patient's initial concerns. We have assembled level 1 trauma team as well as vascular surgery at bedside upon the patient's arrival for emergent intervention. It is reported to me initially that the patient had an accident with

Anniversary week + recent doctor appointment

We left home August 6th for a Humanitarian Trip and arrived home late on August 14th.   We hit 2 anniversaries while we were gone.   August 7th: 1 year anniversary of the accident August 14th: 1 year anniversary of hospital release and coming home! What a perfect way for our family to celebrate Brigham's recovery!  God was in the details for us to be doing something we all love.  We spent the week serving the Martinez Family by building them a new home. None of us could have imagined that a year later Brig would be healed enough to return to one of his favorite activities.  This was the 3rd house he has built in 5 years.  Amazing view from the job site      Final building day with the Martinez family Taco Stand  Yes, Brigham used the Skilsaw while working.  Even though he couldn't do everything like he could before the accident.   He adapted. It wasn't easy but it felt good to accomplish this for the Martinez family.  He woke up with right calf cramps 2 nights in a row whic

1 year, baby!!

I truly don't know how to express or even know how to navigate my feelings today. I'm full of emotions.  I feel happy that we have more time together with Brigham. I feel more empathy for others and what they are going through.   I feel blessed that I witnessed a miracle and was aware of God's hand in my life. I feel more anxious because I know the unbelievable can happen to us. I feel stronger for what our family has been through and learned.  I know we can do hard things and see the tender mercies.  I feel guilty that we got a miracle and our son survived when others don't get the same outcome.  I feel deep gratitude for my beautiful life. For the people, for the experiences, for the lessons learned, for the love, for my faith, and even for the disappointments that makes the joys even better!  In true Brigham fashion he does not want a big celebration party or any recognition about the 1 year anniversary.  To respect his wishes we compromised.  We are celebrating thos

10 months!

 Today we CELEBRATE 10 months!  304 days!  7296 hours!  10 extra months together - what a gift 10 months of learning + growing  10 months navigating the unknown 10 months of memories + gratitude I'm one month into my #livefortodaychallenge.  You can follow my challenge on instagram @hangwith10 or join the facebook group  If you wonder what I'm talking about...go back a few posts. It hasn't been the easiest month for me and I was grateful to be doing this challenge.  It stretched me to find the good and to live for today.  Even on our hard days we can take the opportunity to live for today by having gratitude, trying something new or simply enjoying the moments in our day.  Brigham as the best man at his cousins wedding. May 22, 2021 Teammates are there for each other even after the noise of the crowd is gone. - Jim Brown Adding in the coaches It is only fitting that an article I wrote about Brigham's miracle was published

Running into our new friends

A cool part about living in the same town as where Brigham had his accident is that we see the EMS team. Well, not me personally.  London (Brigham's sister) was working her shift at the Assisted Living center near our home (probably back in March) when she had to call the non-emergent ambulance line for a resident.  After the fireman assisted the resident and were leaving she asked the Captain if they were the crew that worked on her brother. She thought they looked familiar but wasn't sure. She continued with explaining that her brother was the one who had cut his leg with the skill saw.  Immediately with energy he said, "Skill saw dude?!  Yeah, this whole crew was on that call.  How is he doing?" London told him that Brigham is doing well and healing.  The kind Captain told her that he was impressed with how her parents handled the situation at the scene.  (Really, what he doesn't know is that we did not understand that it was life or death as they were treating

9 months * Live for Today challenge

Today is the 9 month anniversary of Brigham's accident and  3 months until his 1 year anniversary In celebration of this anniversary I'm doing a LIVE TODAY CHALLENGE for the next 90 days. Through Brig's accident and recovery I have learned I want to live for today  because we don't know what tomorrow will bring.  Would you like to join me?   I would LOVE an army of people doing this challenge as we ALL celebrate the life we have by living it! Create your own goals and as many as you want. This is about YOU living your life  today and not waiting for tomorrow.  Here is what I'm doing: