Running into our new friends

A cool part about living in the same town as where Brigham had his accident is that we see the EMS team.

Well, not me personally. 

London (Brigham's sister) was working her shift at the Assisted Living center near our home (probably back in March) when she had to call the non-emergent ambulance line for a resident.  After the fireman assisted the resident and were leaving she asked the Captain if they were the crew that worked on her brother. She thought they looked familiar but wasn't sure. She continued with explaining that her brother was the one who had cut his leg with the skill saw.  Immediately with energy he said, "Skill saw dude?!  Yeah, this whole crew was on that call.  How is he doing?" London told him that Brigham is doing well and healing.  The kind Captain told her that he was impressed with how her parents handled the situation at the scene.  (Really, what he doesn't know is that we did not understand that it was life or death as they were treating him in the Francis backyard.) Then he added that they are serious about if Brigham wants a job they will be glad to have him. 

People are good. People are kind.  


Then about a week later Jeremy was walking out of a home he is remodeling not far our house when he saw the homeowner talking to Battalion chief Jason Cook.  They both recognized each other and said hello and had a short conversation.  The homeowner was surprised his contractor knew his neighbor Jason.  BC Cook continued to explain how we all met. The homeowner was shocked as BC Cook told the miraculous story of Brigham's accident.   Brigham had actually helped demo the kitchen at this remodel early 2021 so the homeowner knew who he was and knew he had an accident but did not know details. BC Cook told Jeremy that they use Brigham's accident to teach the EMS crews.  His case could potentially save another's life.  What a beautiful thing. 


Just yesterday Brigham mentioned a conversation he had at work.  Brigham has been working at the IRS since February and he usually wears his compression sock for the swelling.  Well, the past week or so he has been able to work without the sock so more people are asking about the scars on his calf. They are also asking if they can touch the skin graft scars- which by the way he is totally cool with, so feel free to ask. Anyway, back to this conversation   >>As Brig was telling his story (in as short of way as possible) to a girl at work Monday night she told him that her dad was a pilot for AirMed (life flight).  Brigham started describing the pilot and then she showed Brig a picture.  They are pretty positive that it was her dad who flew the helicopter in the effort to save Brigham. I mean, how cool is that? Here Brigham is telling this co-worker this crazy story and her dad had a big part in saving his life. I LOVE how life works, or rather how God works. 


While I finish typing this post,  Brigham is long boarding for the first time since his accident.  Yesterday he ran for the second time.  He says it is just awkward as his right leg feels like it will buckle the whole time. I'm sure that is due to the portion of his quad muscle that is still not working. Grateful that he is trying and adapting. 


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