1 year, baby!!

I truly don't know how to express or even know how to navigate my feelings today. I'm full of emotions. 

I feel happy that we have more time together with Brigham.

I feel more empathy for others and what they are going through.  

I feel blessed that I witnessed a miracle and was aware of God's hand in my life.

I feel more anxious because I know the unbelievable can happen to us.

I feel stronger for what our family has been through and learned.  I know we can do hard things and see the tender mercies. 

I feel guilty that we got a miracle and our son survived when others don't get the same outcome. 

I feel deep gratitude for my beautiful life. For the people, for the experiences, for the lessons learned, for the love, for my faith, and even for the disappointments that makes the joys even better! 

In true Brigham fashion he does not want a big celebration party or any recognition about the 1 year anniversary.  To respect his wishes we compromised.  We are celebrating those who had a part in saving his life. Last week we dropped in to see the EMS team delivering doughnuts and a poster expressing our thanks. This week we stopped by the Francis home delivering flowers and goodies. 

This is Chon and Patrick.  Both were at the scene of his accident. This is the first time seeing Patrick since the day of the accident. He was the one who packed his wound (which was horribly painful) and applied pressure as they worked on him in the ambulance (yes, the one in the picture) before transferring him to the AirMED helicopter. 

As we thanked them Patrick told Brigham that he was a part of his own survival story. He continued saying that with an injury like that you have to fight to stay alive. Brig had to fight to live and had to bravely push through the unknown and therapy of his recovery to where he is today.

Later this month we will mail off thank you gifts to the AirMED crew. Lastly, we will deliver the Vascular office and Mckay Dee Hospital ER + surgeons a bundle of treats and cards of thanks.

As for me, I finished my 90 day Live For Today Challenge. To celebrate this 1 year anniversary I set 2 goals: walk 90 miles and share a post everyday expressing gratitude or how I lived for that day. I'm happy to say that I accomplished both and LOVED doing it.  Being aware of your choices and having gratitude makes your life beautiful.  You see the good in people, you enjoy the moments, you feel deeper and you see the abundance in your life. 

I also want to become a regular blood donor, maybe I will save another mom's child and that would be an honor.

Brigham is doing really well.  He is happy, he is working, he is still trying to decide on a career, he plays a little soccer, and overall is healthy. He continues to progress in small ways and we are guessing next month they will consider him MMI (maximum medical improvement). So, in other words....as healed as he can be.  At that point he will be given a Disability assessment. 

He does not use his limitations as excuses, they are simply things he works around with little to no complaining. He willingly shares his experience and his scars as they are becoming a part of his story.  The best part is he is still here to write his story, to choose where it will lead and who he will continue to become. 

We invite you to celebrate Brigham's amazing recovery with us. 

Here are some ideas:

Hug someone you love

Send a kind text to a friend

Bravely trying something new

Be still  +  Enjoy a moment

Say a prayer of thanks 

Eat your favorite dessert (Brig would pick scotcheroos or brownies)

Listen to your favorite song

Make someone smile

Ease another's burden

Write down 3 things you are grateful for today

Be a friend to someone who is lonely

Sing your favorite song as loud as you can- feel alive

Dance until you drop - feel alive

Surprise someone with a meal or treat

Share a compliment 

Reach out to someone you miss

XOXO- Kristen

*If you would like to see my 90 day challenge posts go to @hangwith10 on Instagram. They are in the highlight bubble named Live For Today.


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