
Showing posts from May, 2021

Running into our new friends

A cool part about living in the same town as where Brigham had his accident is that we see the EMS team. Well, not me personally.  London (Brigham's sister) was working her shift at the Assisted Living center near our home (probably back in March) when she had to call the non-emergent ambulance line for a resident.  After the fireman assisted the resident and were leaving she asked the Captain if they were the crew that worked on her brother. She thought they looked familiar but wasn't sure. She continued with explaining that her brother was the one who had cut his leg with the skill saw.  Immediately with energy he said, "Skill saw dude?!  Yeah, this whole crew was on that call.  How is he doing?" London told him that Brigham is doing well and healing.  The kind Captain told her that he was impressed with how her parents handled the situation at the scene.  (Really, what he doesn't know is that we did not understand that it was life or death as they were treating

9 months * Live for Today challenge

Today is the 9 month anniversary of Brigham's accident and  3 months until his 1 year anniversary In celebration of this anniversary I'm doing a LIVE TODAY CHALLENGE for the next 90 days. Through Brig's accident and recovery I have learned I want to live for today  because we don't know what tomorrow will bring.  Would you like to join me?   I would LOVE an army of people doing this challenge as we ALL celebrate the life we have by living it! Create your own goals and as many as you want. This is about YOU living your life  today and not waiting for tomorrow.  Here is what I'm doing:

The medicine is the miracle

  The blood thinners are working and breaking up those nasty clots in his leg vein. Yay! Just what we wanted to hear. There was still strands of the clot in his vein that they hope will continue to go away with use of the Eliquis.  The notes in his file from his visit: Patient will be on Eliquis lifelong. We will reimage in September. If all looks well we will do biannual imaging for the next 2 years. At that point will be able to switch to annual imaging if everything looks good. If there is any dilation of the bypass then we will increase the frequency of ultrasound. >>Next follow up will be in September and if there is no clots or complications then they think that will become his new vascular health baseline. Tidbits from the conversation we had with Sheryl: He can travel but needs to wear his compression sock when flying or on long car rides.  This will help prevent blood clots. Sheryl (Vascular NP) told us that people at Mckay Dee still ask about him. "How's skill