Not what we were expecting

This past Wednesday (March 24th) Brigham had another follow up with the Vascular doctor. His last one was 3 months ago at the end of December. I almost didn't go but decided to get a list of questions answered. I'm glad I did.

This time they gave him these awesome disposable shorts to wear. They were huge on him and we couldn't stop laughing!

The ultrasound took longer this time and then we moved rooms so they could get a different view on a different machine. I started getting the feeling that they were concerned about something and after a shorter ultrasound in the new room they moved us immediately to the exam room.  

Usually we wait about 1 1/2 hours between the ultrasound appointment and exam room so the doctor has time to read the images captured in the ultrasound. Not today! 

So, I can't say I was completely surprised when Sheryl came into the room and after asking Brigham how his leg felt, she told us he has 2 blood clots in his thigh. Bummer! Last time he had a clot in September it didn't seem like a big deal, more like they expected it.  However, this time Sheryl was all business.  We had come to the appointment with a bunch of questions that she seemed to brush off because she was very concerned about getting him a CTA scan at Mckay Dee stat. Sheryl told us that Dr. Akhtar would read the scan results and call us tomorrow with the course of action.  She was careful as to not say what those actions would be. She then prescribed him a blood thinner again and a medical grade compression sock. 

Luckily Mckay Dee radiology was able to get him in right away.  We drove the couple streets over to the hospital. Neither Brigham or I talked about the intensity of the situation or what this possibly could mean for him.  We just couldn't find the words or energy until we knew what we were facing. 

This was the first time back to Mckay Dee since Brigham spent the week alone there after surgery. He showed me where they wheeled him out near the pond during his stay and he kept looking around inside maybe trying to wrap his head around being there or trying to recognize something from his stay. The situation was unreal.  As Brigham filled out the check in information I called Jeremy to catch him up.  Later I learned it hit him hard emotionally and he had to pull over and sit with that information for a minute. 

As I waited for Brigham to finish his scan I made a few calls and said a few silent prayers. Brigham came out chatting with the radiologist tech about his injury and the tech said, "yeah, I remember the day it happened.  We all heard about it."  I'm not sure if he was talking about the whole hospital or if he meant radiology specifically.  That's when I remembered the day of the accident when Tim (Jeremy's cousins husband) had come outside to offer support and I think his hospital badge had said radiology.  As I was connecting the dots, Brigham said, "Apparently we are related to someone back there."  I thought he was referring to Tim but I guess it was his son Nick. What a fun connection on a crappy day. Thank you Heavenly Father for sending someone that day. We are so grateful for the part the Scalise family has played into Brigham's story, they are a tender mercy. 

Brigham told me how they had given him an IV so they could shoot the contrasting dye into his body for the scan.  He then complimented them on their quick precise placement of the IV.  He said they are waaaay better than Huntsman. We headed to Weber for Brig to take a short in person test and then we stopped at the medical store to get his compression socks.  He immediately loved the feel of the sock on his calf. Yay!

What should have been 3 1/2 hours in Ogden turned to 6 hours and I was glad Brigham had taken the day off. 

Thursday morning Brigham talked to Sheryl alone.  I was only gone 1 1/2 hours while Paige got her wisdom teeth removed and I missed it. The rest of this information came through Brigham. Dr. Akhtar said the clots were acute and is hoping the blood thinners will break them up.  Then they scheduled him to be seen in 6 weeks where we can talk more. No heavy lifting, vigorous work or contact sports.  She told Brigham he may have to stay on blood thinners his whole life which would mean no indoor soccer again. She said she would check on outdoor soccer for him but any contact sports would be out.  

The last instructions they gave him was to head to the ER if he feels any sudden chest pain, sudden shortness of breath or a sudden feeling of anxiety- all signs that the clot has moved to the lungs. Truthfully, the news has me wanting to wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him home but I know I have to learn to handle him living his life with his risks.  It is scary! 

We would love prayers and appreciate your continued support.  We can do this!  We have and will continue to do hard things!


I am working on choosing faith over fear but I find it is a process for me each time we get heavy + hard news. I have had a rash under my eyes for 7 weeks. I have seen 2 different doctors and the recent diagnosis can be caused by emotional stress.  It has been humbling to go places with no makeup and a visible red rash on my face, I mean come on - the mask doesn't even cover it. I'm treating the symptoms but I think my body needs to heal and it will take time.


  1. I saw your post about fasciotomy.I have questions. If you don't mind, can you answer?


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