Left pocket + new job

When Brigham was released from the hospital (8/14/20) this Biohazard ziploc was in his Personal bag along with ice bags, gauze, tape and other medical supplies. 

The sticker on this bag reads:

ZZMK, XERASIA- C   |   DOB: 01/01/1999   |   DOS: 08/07/20  10:24  |  Male 21 years

This was Brigham's identity at the hospital as he went into surgery. In an emergency event there is no time to get information like name, birthdate, age, immunizations, medical history, allergies, etc.  I had never thought about how they identified the emergency patients until this day as we were running into the Emergency Department.  As we explained that our son was life flighted here, the nurse interrupted, "21 year old male? " We quickly learned they did not know his name, age or that it was a skill saw not a chainsaw cut. 

As they were cutting his clothes off before surgery they cut out the left pocket in his shorts and threw it in the ziploc. His right pocket had his phone and key which they gave to him once he woke up. 

It took us over a month to finally open the Bio Hazard bag.  It somehow felt heavy to actually see the few personal effects Brigham had used the day of the accident.  When we opened the bag it smelled so bad!  I think we ended up throwing it all away. 


As far as an update with Brigham.  We have hit a battle with Workmans Comp regarding more physical therapy.  The PT office and I decided to see if a Work Hardening program would be approved, which is an intense program (4-5 days a week or 4 hours a day) that would get him in going back to work shape by mimicking construction site duties (pretty much what he was doing pre-accident) and also clearly show his deficits.  When that was denied I had a meltdown and was in a slump for a week.  I don't want to get into the details because you get it- insurance companies talk big but usually stop short of their promises.  I have moved past this moment and I'm leaving Brigham's path in God's hands. 

Good news!  2 weeks after my meltdown I learned our PT office offers a training program that I think would be even better for Brigham even if we have to pay for it ourselves.  So maybe this summer after spring semester.

Think Brigham should get a chairlift in his house someday?

Last week Brigham started a new job with the IRS.  He works the swing shift 4:30pm-12:30am (yuck!) Monday through Friday. The entire hiring process was online and he never had a chance to speak to a live person before being hired and called into orientation.  So, he decided to see if his leg can handle it and he will go from there. He opens + sorts mail at a desk that can move up + down which is helpful. The dress code is relaxed which is also great for Brig.  He can wear shorts with his 3 compression sleeves on his right leg** to help with the swelling and pain.  He went from working 10ish hours a week to working 40 hours a week plus doing spring semester at Weber.   Big change. 

**Daily Brigham wears 3 different types of compression sleeves.  1) ankle to mid thigh sleeve  2) knee high sock   3) foot + ankle sleeve. 

The next update will be in a few weeks after his next Vascular clinic appointment. 


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