
Showing posts from March, 2021

Not what we were expecting

This past Wednesday (March 24th) Brigham had another follow up with the Vascular doctor. His last one was 3 months ago at the end of December. I almost didn't go but decided to get a list of questions answered. I'm glad I did. This time they gave him these awesome disposable shorts to wear. They were huge on him and we couldn't stop laughing! The ultrasound took longer this time and then we moved rooms so they could get a different view on a different machine. I started getting the feeling that they were concerned about something and after a shorter ultrasound in the new room they moved us immediately to the exam room.   Usually we wait about 1 1/2 hours between the ultrasound appointment and exam room so the doctor has time to read the images captured in the ultrasound. Not today!  So, I can't say I was completely surprised when Sheryl came into the room and after asking Brigham how his leg felt, she told us he has 2 blood clots in his thigh. Bummer! Last time he had a

Left pocket + new job

When Brigham was released from the hospital (8/14/20) this Biohazard ziploc was in his Personal bag along with ice bags, gauze, tape and other medical supplies.  The sticker on this bag reads: ZZMK, XERASIA- C   |   DOB: 01/01/1999   |   DOS: 08/07/20  10:24  |  Male 21 years This was Brigham's identity at the hospital as he went into surgery. In an emergency event there is no time to get information like name, birthdate, age, immunizations, medical history, allergies, etc.  I had never thought about how they identified the emergency patients until this day as we were running into the Emergency Department.  As we explained that our son was life flighted here, the nurse interrupted, "21 year old male? " We quickly learned they did not know his name, age or that it was a skill saw not a chainsaw cut.  As they were cutting his clothes off before surgery they cut out the left pocket in his shorts and threw it in the ziploc. His right pocket had his phone and key which they ga