PT in action

 Are you ready to see Brigham in action?  Seeing what he can do at physical therapy is so awesome!  His movement + strength keep getting better. They are doing some dry needling to re-activate that inner quad muscle.  This is one the surgeons have been concerned about from the beginning about whether the nerve was completely cut through.  They are not working much with scar tissue in the upper thigh cut yet, the therapists want it to heal a few weeks more.

However, Brigham could not resist kicking a soccer ball last week. He was at his "Brigham team"  indoor game and stepped out onto the field and kicked it with some force.  He didn't know what to expect especially with the numbness in his leg. He said the numbness wasn't as weird as he thought but there was some pain in his groin near the scar. We don't know if that is due to the scar tissue or muscles still healing. Either way he loved it but decided not to do it least for awhile. 

10/8/20  Campfire with friends

10/10/20 at a friends wedding.  Those were the only pants Brigham's calf could fit in.

As I said before Brigham can drive short distances and walk.  His leg still swells a lot. If he is going out with friends he will wrap his calf with an ace bandage to help with swelling.  His attire is usually shorts or sweats.

This is what his leg looks like after being up for several hours with it wrapped in an ace bandage.  


Today Brig wore suit pants for the first time to Leo's homecoming. They were tight in the calf from the moment he put them on. We were gone for 2 hours and he said it was difficult getting them off.  So...he may just have to wear joggers to church for the next little bit. 

Heart felt feelings below

Leo gave his homecoming talk in his home ward which is a Spanish ward.  Thankfully they provide headsets and have a missionary translate the meeting.  When Leo was speaking he choked up as he talked about the text he received about Brigham.  It was pretty simple (something similar to this)....Brigham has had a work accident.  He was life flighted.  He is in surgery and they don't know if he will live or if he will keep his leg. -- It was rough for Leo to hear about his best friend on the brink of life and death. He was able to call and talk with us as we waited for Brigham to get out of surgery.  He said he was praying with all his heart and he had lots of other missionaries praying too.  In his talk today he bore testimony of the power of prayer and having faith. Oh, how we adore our Latino son.

I would like to add my testimony that we saw miracles. We know thousands of people were mightily praying for Brigham, for us and the medical professionals. We believe in the power of prayer. We believe Heavenly Father sent earthly and heavenly angels to provide comfort and guidance to many on this day. We still feel the warmth of God's love as we continue to see miracles in his recovery. We know that not all prayers are answered the way we want.  My friend lost a son this past week and I can't help but think....why God?  Why was our son saved and not hers? So, heart wrenching. It is a reminder to be grateful for every minute that we have with those we love. We may not understand the answers we are given or the outcomes we receive when we have prayed. I choose to have faith that I will understand one day.  I choose to turn towards God with my questions, troubles, sorrow and joy.  


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