Here is a look at Brigham today

Sorry it has been awhile since my last update.  Take that as good news!  Brig is going to therapy twice a week.  He is getting stronger.  That inner quad muscle is still not working the best.  This may be permanent damage, or it may be something that comes back with time since nerves are the last thing to heal.  Some days we have to remind ourselves that it hasn't even been 3 months yet. It is amazing where he is at in his recovery.  Overall,  Brigham is continuing to make good progress. 

He also has been cleared for light duty work.  So if you know of any 10-20 hour a week jobs that don't require standing the whole time or maybe has shorter shifts then please let us know. 

Here is some video of him in the backyard today. He is moving so well!!

And one more short one.

Stay week or so we have something pretty special to share.  Thanks for the continued love, prayers and support.


  1. These videos are amazing!!! So many miracles and tender mercies!


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