
Showing posts from October, 2020

Here is a look at Brigham today

Sorry it has been awhile since my last update.  Take that as good news!  Brig is going to therapy twice a week.  He is getting stronger.  That inner quad muscle is still not working the best.  This may be permanent damage, or it may be something that comes back with time since nerves are the last thing to heal.  Some days we have to remind ourselves that it hasn't even been 3 months yet. It is amazing where he is at in his recovery.  Overall,  Brigham is continuing to make good progress.  He also has been cleared for light duty work.  So if you know of any 10-20 hour a week jobs that don't require standing the whole time or maybe has shorter shifts then please let us know.  Here is some video of him in the backyard today. He is moving so well!! And one more short one. Stay week or so we have something pretty special to share.  Thanks for the continued love, prayers and support.

PT in action

 Are you ready to see Brigham in action?  Seeing what he can do at physical therapy is so awesome!  His movement + strength keep getting better. They are doing some dry needling to re-activate that inner quad muscle.  This is one the surgeons have been concerned about from the beginning about whether the nerve was completely cut through.  They are not working much with scar tissue in the upper thigh cut yet, the therapists want it to heal a few weeks more. However, Brigham could not resist kicking a soccer ball last week. He was at his "Brigham team"  indoor game and stepped out onto the field and kicked it with some force.  He didn't know what to expect especially with the numbness in his leg. He said the numbness wasn't as weird as he thought but there was some pain in his groin near the scar. We don't know if that is due to the scar tissue or muscles still healing. Either way he loved it but decided not to do it least for awhile.  10/8/20  Campfire w

2 months!!

 Yesterday was 2 months since the accident and tomorrow it will be 9 weeks.  When I think of the progress Brig has made in such a short time I am astounded.  Sometimes you lose sight of the change and improvement when you are living it everyday. Does that make sense?  It's when I take a step back and really see the bigger picture that the reality + emotions come quick and strong.  When you are living in the day to day you can find yourself in survival mode just like the day of the accident.  You remove yourself from the emotions because you have a list of things to get done.  Especially since Jeremy and I have tried to go back to a regular routines + jobs as much as possible.  We have a family calendar that hangs in our kitchen. This picture was displayed during the month of September (it was taken 9/2019 when he played for Weber).  One day Brigham walked (or crutched) by and leg will never look like that again.  He continued with...if I can move + play soccer like this

Healing of Skin Grafts * pictures

Tuesday Brigham had his final follow-up with Dr. Hobson regarding the skin grafts.  The grafts are looking good + healing good.  He no longer needs to keep them covered but he chooses to wrap it at night so it doesn't ooze or stick to his other leg etc. Every morning he applies Neosporin around the edges and then applies Aquafor ointment to the center of the graft. Dr. Hobson explained that he will never have hair or sweat glands in the skin graft area.  This means those patches will always be drier and need more moisturizer.  Tuesday evening we went and watched Brigham's friends play indoor soccer. I know this scoreboard picture is not that clear but they renamed their team Brigham.  This mom got teary eyed- but what else is new? I was a touching gesture of support + kindness. He was surprised to see his friend Chase (they played HS and college soccer together) playing as a sub this week.  This is them catching up after the game.   You will notice that Brigham is wearing 2 sho