
Showing posts from August, 2021

1 year, baby!!

I truly don't know how to express or even know how to navigate my feelings today. I'm full of emotions.  I feel happy that we have more time together with Brigham. I feel more empathy for others and what they are going through.   I feel blessed that I witnessed a miracle and was aware of God's hand in my life. I feel more anxious because I know the unbelievable can happen to us. I feel stronger for what our family has been through and learned.  I know we can do hard things and see the tender mercies.  I feel guilty that we got a miracle and our son survived when others don't get the same outcome.  I feel deep gratitude for my beautiful life. For the people, for the experiences, for the lessons learned, for the love, for my faith, and even for the disappointments that makes the joys even better!  In true Brigham fashion he does not want a big celebration party or any recognition about the 1 year anniversary.  To respect his wishes we compromised.  We are celebrating thos