Updated Scar Pictures

A Christmas blessing.  We realized that Brigham's right calf, ankle, and foot may be bigger (due to swelling) than his left for quite awhile.  So, I decided he needed new dress pants and shoes that fit, no more old jeans (that he has to peel off when it swells) and tennis shoes.  We were thrilled (ok, more me than him) when we found these active series slacks at Kohls.  They look like dress pants but they feel like sweats and have STRETCH!!! They are perfect for his situation and now I'm thinking I should buy a few more.  Oh, and the boots are easier to get on his foot then his regular dress shoes. 
We are so grateful that we found a solution. 


I cannot believe how much his scars have faded.  It is amazing what our bodies can do.

Skin Graft on Inner calf fasciotomy 

Skin Graft on outer calf fasciotomy

The rectangle that is almost gone is where they took skin for the skin graft.

The cut near the groin is the saw cut.

 Here's a look at the whole leg.


I know the lighting on the December pic is brighter which may wash it out a little bit but honestly the scars have become so much lighter.

The news from the Vascular surgeon has been heavy on my mind and heart this week.  I am working through my emotions and feelings and facing our new normal.  Another reminder that every day we have together is a blessing, it is truly a gift. Does that sound cheesy? I know people are always saying this but since the accident I feel it. I feel the need to be present and to not put off that vacation, the kind words, the gratitude, the time spent together - it is time to live NOW! I hope I can keep this new outlook. 


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