
Showing posts from December, 2020

Updated Scar Pictures

A Christmas blessing.  We realized that Brigham's right calf, ankle, and foot may be bigger (due to swelling) than his left for quite awhile.  So, I decided he needed new dress pants and shoes that fit, no more old jeans (that he has to peel off when it swells) and tennis shoes.  We were thrilled (ok, more me than him) when we found these active series slacks at Kohls.  They look like dress pants but they feel like sweats and have STRETCH!!! They are perfect for his situation and now I'm thinking I should buy a few more.  Oh, and the boots are easier to get on his foot then his regular dress shoes.  We are so grateful that we found a solution.  SCAR UPDATE: I cannot believe how much his scars have faded.  It is amazing what our bodies can do. Skin Graft on Inner calf fasciotomy  Skin Graft on outer calf fasciotomy The rectangle that is almost gone is where they took skin for the skin graft. The cut near the groin is the saw cut.  Here's a look at the whole leg. SIDE BY SIDE

Vascular Visit

Today Brigham had a follow up with Sheryl in the Vascular clinic.  She has not seen him since she removed the staples on August 24th.  She was thrilled to see how good Brigham looked. She was in awe that he could walk without a limp and even play a little soccer. Sheryl again expressed that he is a miracle and I could have sworn she had tears in her eyes.   It has been 3 months since his last appointment where they found the clot. Since then he has been on Eliquis to break up the clot and thin his blood. Good news - today the grafts and blood flow throughout Brigham's leg were good.  They have taken him off Eliquis and back to a baby aspirin.  He is under strict instruction if he has any symptoms of blood clots - - cramping, increased swelling, pain - - that he gets into the Vascular doctor ASAP. This stresses me a bit and I kinda wish they would keep him on blood thinners.  His next scheduled follow-up is in another 3 months.  A few things we learned today. Initial Surgery:   Brig

Minutes on the field + update

Brigham is increasing strength and his endurance but feels like this is a slow moving part of recovery. His inner quad muscle is still not activating.  At PT or the gym he uses a stationary bike or the elliptical. It is hard to run. He says he has to concentrate on how he moves his right leg so he doesn't limp. It's crazy how most of us take running for granted....we don't even have to think about it.  He is working for Jeremy part time - not as carpenter.  He moves trailers from job sites, dumps the garbage trailer, picks up supplies, runs to the bank, unloads wood or other supplies, drops off plans, etc.  He is kind of the errand boy.  He doesn't mind it because he usually gets to drive Jeremy's new truck. Most days he can make his own schedule which can help with resting his leg.  He wears a compression sock daily to help with the swelling.  He is registered for spring semester at Weber State starting in January to finish his associates. He has a follow up with t