New details we learned from the AirMed Crew + Life Experiences change us

 Brigham's memory of his 1st helicopter ride (aka AirMed flight) is being loaded on, then a moment where he felt claustrophobic and tried to move.  He recalls looking outside and the world seemed upside down. Then he remembers being unloaded off the helicopter.

During the recognition night we were able to talk with the AirMed crew.  While talking to Judy I learned that what Brigham remembered was pretty accurate.  She said he was awake when they loaded him on the helicopter and then he passed out.  She said mid-flight he started screaming and thrashing, she said it was a great moment because she knew he was alive and had a chance because he was fighting. You see....the Francis' quick work gave him a few minutes, then the TXA got him a few more minutes, then the trauma blood gave him 10 minutes...ONLY 10 minutes to make it to the hospital. Jeremy learned that they needed a straight route to McKay Dee in hopes of getting him there in the time Brigham had left.  They were able to get Hill Air Force base to move their refueling planes in the sky because Brigham did not have the time to go around them.  Judy had Jake call ahead to tell McKay Dee that he needed to go directly to the OR with a vascular surgeon.  

We also found out that they rarely unload them HOT (which means they unload the patient as soon as they land and before the helicopter is turned off) but Brigham was one of the few.  It was that close friends. Each step of the way God provided a miracle through people and medicine.  

As far as how we are handling everything mentally. Brigham is doing well at this point and has seen a therapist a few times. Jeremy and I have triggers that have the feelings of anxiety, scared, panicked... rush back quickly. 

Like the other night we were watching Grey's anatomy (the first episode of the new season) and that mom who desperately needed to be with her son but Covid was making that impossible.  Tears welled in my eyes because I was that mom. That actress could have been portraying me...all of her feelings were spot on. Or passing an ambulance with its lights + sirens on causes my heart to beat faster. Or when I visualize going through the details of that day I can be overwhelmed with anxiety and emotion, so I do my best in that moment to remember the miracles, prayers and faith.

The girls are dealing with it in different ways but we plan on therapy for all just to make sure.  I was naively surprised at how much it has affected who we are, how we think, and how we react.  We are still on our journey.  Things are improving and from the outside looking in appear normal but we are still moving through a life changing experience.  Brigham's accident has changed all of us in different ways.  

As I was typing that I was thinking....Isn't that what happens to all of us?  All of us have life experiences and honestly every experience changes us.  Whether that experience is good or bad, we are changed. That is what life is about....growing, changing and becoming who we are.  No two paths are the same.  This is why we need to have more love and more understanding with people we meet in life. Sometimes life is really hard but I believe we can choose to let the light in and become better by learning from our experiences. Keep the faith friends.  God loves me and he loves you. 


  1. I just love this, Kristen! You inspire me so much! I loved watching Brigham walk into church on Sunday. I was sitting there thinking if someone was there that didn’t know what had happened to him, there wouldn’t be a second thought to him walking in front of you. He looked so normal. It was incredible to me! What a miracle!

  2. Thanks for this insight into Brighams ordeal. All of you have been touched... emotions play a major role in our lives. Kristin you have been blessed with this deep emotional experience for your own progress in life. I hope you let it help you along in your journey. Where you are is far better than the alternative. Love you all.


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