
Showing posts from February, 2021

Today we celebrate 6 months! * graphic images at the end

Today marks 6 months since the accident. Yes...that is the saw Brigham was using when the accident happened.  He used it again for the first time in January. He says it felt normal and it wasn't scary or difficult.   He has stood next to the saw horses and tried to figure out how he even got cut.  He and Jeremy cannot figure out how it happened. It just doesn't make sense. As our friend says, it doesn't matter how it happened.  It happened.  I think it was an experience meant for more than just you.  Your story + miracle has touched so many people.    *WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES OF THE ACCIDENT SCENE* AT THE END* DAILY As I imagine with any life changing injury there are a lot of lonely times and struggles.  So many wonderful, kind people continue to ask "How is Brigham?" We don't want to be a downer or to have to explain all the details so you find yourself responding, "He is doing good."  And that isn't a lie, Brigham is doing good but he still dea